Building authentic community through the uncommon pursuit of Christ.
CLC equips men to center their lives on Jesus and the Bible, transforming them into passionate Christ-followers who inspire others, via small groups, to do the same.
Most men have many acquaintances, but few trusted friends. Something powerful happens when men come together around the person and work of Jesus Christ. Masks are removed and an honest fellowship and brotherhood begins. We have found that to be true at CLC. CLC is more than a Bible study – it is a relational pathway that equips men for a lifetime of biblically-based leadership. Transparent bonding, trust, vulnerability, and unwavering accountability are forged during this time. Men learn to “do life together” as they lead at home, church, work, and in their communities.
CLC gives men the tools they need to lead, serve and become men of God. The "secret sauce," as it has been called, is experiencing life change with a dedicated band of brothers.
Tragically, most Christian men have no idea who they are in Christ, but once they truly understand, believe, and embrace how God sees them, then what is expected of them as Christian men suddenly makes sense. Leadership at home, church, and work becomes a natural overflow of that dynamic relationship with Christ. Leadership is no longer forced or temporary, but an extension of who God created them to be.
Jesus is our focus. All is for His glory. We are under His Lordship.
Biblically Anchored
The Bible is the authority. What we do flows from revealed Truth.
Relationally Driven
Relationships are the foundation of all we do.
Long-Term Discipleship
Long-term discipleship is our calling. Individual transformation is our prayer.
Exponential Impact
The impact of one man transformed by Christ is experienced in his
marriage, family, church, workplace, community and eternity.
CLC has been a life-changing experience since 1982
Meet the CLC Team
What others have to say about the CLC experience